Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Getting rid of stuff!

Ahh.... We are in good speed of getting rid of stuff. We will be bringing only some clothes, a few books and some photos and some single items that have special meaning to us. Also two paintings and a small table. Those last three things I think we have to ship, so I'm in a process of trying to figure out what is the cheapest way to ship them from Finland to the U.S.

Other than that, we have already sold most of the big things like furniture and stuff, and we still have a little home flea market at our house this coming Saturday, and I hope the rest of the small stuff will be gone then.

It's amazing how much things accumulate in your apartment.... Already about two weeks ago we put aside things that we knew we wouldn't need to use anymore before we go. And it didn't even hurt to get rid of them! hmmm... and why did I even own them in the first place?! I hope to be more careful to not collect so much unneeded little things in our new place.

KISS. Keep it simple, stupid.      

We also got our dog's kennel now. It's GINORMOUS. I measured him, I knew which size we should get, I knew the measurements. But somehow it didn't look so big when just looking at the measuring tape. I went to pick it up from the post office, and I almost fainted seeing the size of it! Thank goodness my hubby was with me, so I had help in getting it home. Well, at least our dog will be comfortable :) It makes me happy, I've kinda really worried about how he will be, but now that I see that he walked happily into the kennel and fits there perfectly, I feel a little more relieved.

And visa stuff is moving along again. Sent the affidavit of support papers. Funny thing is, that it asks how much my husband makes money CURRENTLY. Well, CURRENTLY he is still working. But not when we move to the U.S. So we didn't lie when putting the CURRENT info there. But it makes no sense, since it will  have no meaning when we move. Well, whatever, I will have a joint sponsor if needed, so if there are questions in the visa interview, I have more papers to hand out to them.

Also paid the visa fee and now I'm waiting for my papers from the Finnish police to arrive, then I can send out my visa papers! WHOA!! then all I need to do is WAIT. Crazy. Actually this has been a quite fast process. I started in mid May, and two months later I'm ready to send out the last papers. I would assume that I will get my interview appointment quite quickly, if this continues to go the way it has so far.

And yeah, we leave in THREE AND A HALF WEEKS!

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