Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Finding routines...

Wheeeh.... Moved in the beginning of August, travel around, went back to Finland, had a visitor for three weeks... Didn't exactly have a normal life in almost three whole months! Also couldn't really start figuring out what LIVING here means, since all was just having fun, seeing sights, eating out and so forth.

Well, I'll tell you one thing. Colorado is BEAUTIFUL. The mountains, the nature, the SUN! There is so much sun that someone from Finland can barely start to comprehend the fact that it is possible to have so many sunny days! :D What I love is that I can still hear people saying stuff like "isn't it a great weather today?!" even though every day is great weather! Everyone still appreciates it. I guess it goes on to show that it really is pretty important to your mental health ;)

Also, people here are pretty active. They run, mountain bike, hike, snowboard, ski... so guess what, we are in America, but I can barely see any fat people! Good for them! Also a lot less irritating when you don't have to mumble to yourself every 5 minutes that 'why can't people take better care of themselves'! ;)

So my husband got a job. YAY! But it's an hour drive away from us, so I guess moving is in order at some point. Hoping to save some money though, so that we could buy a place which would make a lot more sense than keep paying overpriced rent. 
So when he is working, I am housewifing. I was really happy to do it at first, and it was fun while he was still not working and was here to keep me company, but now I'm pretty bored... I'm not such a fan of my own company that I would enjoy a whole day by myself :D Sure, I can think of things to do, but it still means being alone.
Cooking, laundry, dog walking, cooking, cleaning..... a blast!

Also I'm getting in the middle of a culture shock. Not exactly shocked - i guess it sounds like something I didn't know yet would hit me suddenly - but more like difficulty adapting... We haven't made close friends yet, and I'm still figuring out how to take care of stuff myself. Small things bother me... Like American toilets. Or locks, which are so stupid they are pointless. Or how expensive stuff is. Or how there are no proper sidewalks. Or that people still use checks. I can continue. Should I?
Nah. Pretty sure the amount of sunshine will cover all these faults. And I will grow to accept them eventually.

I got my social security number recently, so that means a load of practical things to take care of. I need to take a written and driving test to get a Colorado driver's license. I should get my own debit card so I don't have to live on a weekly cash allowance from my hubby. And.... Look for a part time job....... I'd be happy to get a job, just the process of finding one sucks :D And when you are not exactly running out of money it is hard to get motivated. Also I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up :)
Spent the morning job hunting. The simplest online job applications will include about 100 questions about your personality like: "Do you get easily irritated when someone criticizes you? Do you feel like your work will never be appreciated?"  I feel like I sure got to know myself well this morning!

Time to get back to housewife duties :) 
To all my friends back home, MISS YOU GUYS.


  1. Awesome to hear and relive my life again!
    You will find great friends- just move a hall every year or so, it's called congregation shopping;)
    The funniest thing is this- the easiest card to get is Macy's (atleast a decade ago) so start with that. Well, driving lisence is needed also to actually get to do your exercises.
    Checks are so cool though- u can pick all sorts of dog prints e.g. But just don't bounce them!!
    I wanted to start working about 6 months after housewifing& pioneering. Are there buses or eager pioneers to pick u up?? Actually got my first job while in service (at photo store) 2nd when customer @bank and 3rd job thru friends and 4th job from a sister at the hall. So study on E.I. And be the interesting foreigner! (your Finnish accent sucks though)

    Love, the foreigner now and forever

  2. Hahah.. Yeah, I guess everyone will adapt differently, but the overall experience has to be quite similar. Haha, thanks for the positive outlook on checks, I have to make sure I get some cool ones ;)
    We do have two cars and I use my Finnish driver's license, so I do get to go around. I go to service almost every morning, but that still only fills like 2-3 hrs of my day. Which of course is better than nothing and an awesome start for the day :) Thanks for the encouragement <3
