Saturday, June 16, 2012

Decisions and an apartment!

For the longest time we were settled on the idea of moving to Colorado. Then my husband got a job interview for a job in San Diego, and suddenly that became an option. Ever since we've been confused with what we really want! 
San Diego... Always perfect weather, beaches, summer year round. Sounds cool. But then again... expensive housing, you'd really need to have a good job to get a half decent place to live.
Colorado... Good weather, beautiful nature, cheap housing. But we've never been there, and yes, there is also winter.... WHAT TO DO?! 
Now that there is no job to go to yet, it's been challenging, because as awesome the idea of being able to go where ever we want to go is, it's so hard to decide... I think both of us would love the beach life and the year round summer, but it has been extremely difficult to find a reasonably priced nice apartment - we don't want to waste our money on the rent too much before having a job.

So. We finally decided. We will be moving to Colorado at least at first, live in a cheap place, and my husband will continue his job hunt both in Colorado and in San Diego. I guess that means that we just end up whereever the wind blows, whereever he finds a good job first.... That's kinda cool I guess :D

It really stinks that the houses in San Diego are so expensive! With the same amount of money as you get a crappy one there, you get a mansion in Colorado! So i guess you just kinda have to think about what you really appreciate the most, summer or a nice house... Seems impossible! :)

But anyways, we have an apartment rented now in Colorado, so that's one care less, and we have at least decided to fly to Denver :D  

So here's a cute new 1 bedroom place in Lakewood, CO. Hopefully as cute in person.... This one seemed to also have the best reviews from residents, so should be good.

We almost got a different place first, but then I found this website with apartment community reviews, and what i read was quite disturbing... neighbors had a meth lab, gunshots are heard daily, people are being beaten........ yeah, maybe not our place! If the only problem according to people that have lived in this place we now chose is thin walls, I'm totally ok with that!

So in a bit over a month's time, this will be our new home! We considered it a little too long, so we missed the chance to get a  2 bedroom apartment, but they promised to let us know if any become available before we move. Good service i thought. 1 bedroom is fine otherwise, but if we end up having visitors, a guest room would have been cool. 

YAY! An apartment!!


  1. I'm glad you guys decided on Colorado! At least for now! :) You will not regret it! It is so beautiful here, with four seasons (which I value being from Scandinavia). And despite the winters, it is still sunny and nice pretty much every day which makes up for the cold! :) I also think that Lakewood is a nice area, I've heard good things about it!

  2. Yeah, I don't mind cold or snow, just the darkness... And hopefully now it will end for us. I was thinking that if we moved to San Diego, would a never ending summer be totally awesome, or just get boring? :)
